A Huge Benign Phyllodes Breast Tumor: Case Report

A Huge Benign Phyllodes Breast Tumor


  • Dr. Trupal Desai 3rd Year Resident Doctor, Department Of General Surgery, CUSMC, Surendranagar, Gujarat
  • Dr. Ankur Modi Assistant Professor, Department Of General Surgery, CUSMC, Surendranagar, Gujarat


Phyllods, Cystosarcoma, Malignant


Phyllodes tumors are rare fibro-epithelial lesions account for less than 1% of breast neoplasms. Most phyllods are benign but 10% are malignant. Accurate pre-operative pathological diagnosis allows correct surgical planning and avoidance of reoperation. Treatment can be either wide local excision or mastectomy to achieve histologically clear margin. Women aged between 35 and 55 years are commonly involved. Local recurrence occurs in approximately 15% of the patients and is more common after incomplete excision. Approximately 20% of the patients with malignant phyllodes tumors develop distant metastases. The role of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal manipulation in both the adjuvant and palliative setting remain to be defined. The lungs are the most common metastatic site, followed by the skeleton, heart and the liver. Symptoms of metastatic involvement can arise from as early as a few months to as 12 years after the initial therapy. It is also known as Cystosarcoma Phyllods. [Desai T Natl J Integr Res Med, 2021; 12(5): 83-85]




How to Cite

Dr. Trupal Desai, & Dr. Ankur Modi. (2021). A Huge Benign Phyllodes Breast Tumor: Case Report: A Huge Benign Phyllodes Breast Tumor. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 12(5), 83–85. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/3184



Case Report