Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Hemimaxillectomy Patient With Hollow Bulb Obturator

Hollow Bulb Obturator


  • Dr. Shruti Mehta
  • Dr. Dipti Kohli
  • Dr. Priyanka Makwana
  • Dr. Manish Mistry


Hemi maxillectomy, Hollow bulb Obturator, Shim fabrication


One of the most rapidly growing areas of dentistry from the standpoint of both interest and need is maxillofacial prosthetics. The research on cancer has made understanding and treatment of this dreadful disease a possibility, still the rehabilitation of these patients is a daunting job, and is more so in post-surgical cases. With the advent of new materials and techniques, vast improvement in rehabilitation of maxillofacial patients has been realized. The objective of this case report was to obturate acquired palatal defects and allowing the restoration of functions such as esthetics, mastication, deglutition and speech. This report throws light on the simplified technique to prepare hollow bulb obturator using shim fabrication. This technique results in a prosthesis which is light in weight and aids in better retention and patient’s comfort. 


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How to Cite

Mehta, D. S., Kohli, D. D., Makwana, D. P., & Mistry, D. M. (2012). Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Hemimaxillectomy Patient With Hollow Bulb Obturator: Hollow Bulb Obturator. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(1), 130–132. Retrieved from



Case Report