Sample Rejection As A Quality Indicator For Continual Improvement Of Laboratory Services, Tertiary Care Hospital

Sample Rejection As A Quality Indicator


  • Dr. Sumeeta Soni
  • Dr Rajesh Katara
  • Dr Arvind Nanera
  • Dr Hansa Goswami
  • Dr M M Vegad


Quality Indicator, Continual Improvement, Sample Rejection, Preanalytical error


Background: Quality in the health care institutions is multifaceted & multidimensional with its core element as the customer’s satisfaction. Improvement in the health care services is a long drawn relentless process which can be achieved by implementing a carefully planned Quality Management System. Laboratory services B.J. Medical College & Civil Hospital Ahmedabad, has set its Quality indicators and is monitoring it as a part of continual improvement. One of the Quality indicators is Sample rejection. The laboratory aims to reduce the sample rejections by complying with the standards & recommended guidelines. Methods: This is to monitor & analyze the Sample Rejections as a Quality Indicator for Continual improvement of the Microbiology Department. Primary data collection done before training & secondary data collection done after the training of nursing staff & Resident Doctors. Results: The sample rejection rate of the Microbiology Laboratory in the month of July 2010 was 0.31%. After the training of the nursing staff as well as resident doctors regarding proper collection & transport of samples based on scientific principles, a decreasing trend in the sample rejection rate is observed. i. e. from .31% to 0.11 % in the 13 months duration of study.Conclusion: The implementation of a systematic error-tracking system i.e. monitoring the sample rejections, analysing its trend, taking preventive & corrective actions to reduce the sample rejection rate in daily practice definitely improves the quality of the laboratory results and is a quality indicator for continual improvement of the laboratory.


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How to Cite

Soni, D. S., Katara, D. R., Nanera, D. A., Goswami, D. H., & Vegad, D. M. M. (2014). Sample Rejection As A Quality Indicator For Continual Improvement Of Laboratory Services, Tertiary Care Hospital: Sample Rejection As A Quality Indicator. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 5(1), 63–66. Retrieved from



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