Study of Interparietal Bone

Study of Interparietal Bone


  • Dr. Ruparel S.M.
  • Dr. Jadav H.R.
  • Dr. Damor N.T.


Skull, Interparietal, Membrane, Ossification, Squamous occipital


It is not unusual to find small separate ossicles of bones between two lambdoid sutures and nuchal lines. Their size, shape, numbers and position are variable. These are interparietal bones. While routine examinations of bones, the authors have found an adult male skull having interparietal bone. The bone was examined thoroughly and conclusions drawn.


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How to Cite

S.M., D. R., H.R., D. J., & N.T., D. D. (2011). Study of Interparietal Bone: Study of Interparietal Bone. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 2(2), 41–42. Retrieved from



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