Study Of Carrying Angle And Its Correlation With Various Parameters

Study Of Carrying Angle


  • Dr. Srushti Ruparelia
  • Dr. Shailesh Patel
  • Dr. Ankur Zalawadia
  • Dr. Shaival Shah
  • Dr. S. V. Patel


Carrying angle, height, length of forearm, puberty


The role of carrying angle in the sex determination and its cause of formation is a long debated issue in Anatomy and
Anthropology. Most studies have focused on the question of cause of formation of carrying angle, difference in sex and age but little
attention has been given to correlate the carrying angle with various parameters. Hence, an effort has been made to find out
correlation of carrying angle with height, and length of forearm. For present study, total 333 (173 female & 160 male) asymptomatic,
healthy students of Nursing School, Homeopathic Medical College, Ayurvedic College and Medical College belonging to various regions of
Gujarat were selected. There ages ranged between 17 to 22 years. An improvised instrument goniometer was used for measurement of
carrying angle. Height was measured in standing, erect, anatomical position from vertex to heel with bare foot. Vernier caliper of 12â€
was used to measure the length of forearm. According to the present study, height and length of forearm of the person are inversely
related with the carrying angle. Greater carrying angle in female is considered as secondary sex characteristic. Knowledge of the
carrying angle helps in paediatric elbow surgery. It also helps orthopedic surgeon for correction of cubitus varus deformity occurring
after malunited supracondylar fracture of humerus.


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How to Cite

Ruparelia, D. S., Patel, D. S., Zalawadia, D. A., Shah, D. S., & Patel, D. S. V. (2010). Study Of Carrying Angle And Its Correlation With Various Parameters: Study Of Carrying Angle. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 1(3), 28–32. Retrieved from



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