Homoeopathy In Breast Cancer

Homoeopathy In Breast Cancer


  • Dr. KumKum Kalra


Homoeopathy, Cancer (Malignancy), Disease, Cure, Palliation, Improved


Background: Health and disease is nothing but two-fold conditions of human life. It is not so easy to define
health and disease in a strict sense. As long as man is able to fulfill his aspirations and satisfy the needs, he/she is said
to be healthy. Disease is the life under altered condition. Out of all diseases by hearing the name cancer of which is
sufficient enough to invoke fear and sense of insecurity in every body’s mind. Fear is the greatest Killer of a Patient
Remaining healthy is not only an individual obligation but also a social responsibility. Homoeopathy, Allopathic,
Ayurvedic, Unani, and Siddha systems of medicine are there to take care of body system in their own ways of
diagnosis and treatment. So it is a demand of time for every Homoeopath to explore the unveiled drug efficacy for
treating the malignancy effectively & making it possible to strengthen unpaved path to steer ahead successfully.
[Kalra K NJIRM2016; 7(2):131-135]


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How to Cite

Kalra, D. K. (2018). Homoeopathy In Breast Cancer: Homoeopathy In Breast Cancer. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(2), 131–135. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1378


