A Case Report on Syntelencephaly - Middle Interhemispheric Holoprosencephaly Variant

A Case Report on Syntelencephaly - Middle Interhemispheric Holoprosencephaly Variant


  • Ankita Padia
  • Digish Vaghela
  • Dhairya Salvi
  • Y. T. Patel


Syntelencephaly, Middle Interhemispheric Holoprosencephaly Variant


Holoprosencephaly is a rare congenital brain malformation. It has been traditionally classified in to three types: alobar, semi lobar and lobar forms. Syntelencephaly is a lesser known variant of holoprosencephaly, Middle Interhemispheric Fusion (MIH) variant. We present a case of Syntelencephaly along with a review of imaging findings and the structural abnormalities of the brain in Syntelencephaly, compare these features with those of classic holoprosencephaly (HPE) and consider its embryogenetics. [Ankita P NJIRM 2017; 8(6):102-105]


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How to Cite

Padia, A., Vaghela, D., Salvi, D., & Patel, Y. T. (2018). A Case Report on Syntelencephaly - Middle Interhemispheric Holoprosencephaly Variant: A Case Report on Syntelencephaly - Middle Interhemispheric Holoprosencephaly Variant. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(6), 102–105. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1345



Case Report