Etiological Profile, Morbidity and Mortality In Adult Thrombocytopenia Cases: A Study from Central India

Etiological Profile, Morbidity and Mortality In Adult Thrombocytopenia Cases: A Study from Central India


  • Yadav B S
  • Varma A V
  • Jain S K
  • Toppo N A


bleeding manifestation, chronic liver disease, megaloblastic anaemia, mortality, septicaemia, Thrombocytopenia


Background: Thrombocytopenia is known since ages causing major catastrophes to human being. Researchers are always conducted in thrombocytopenic for better diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Platelet counts in peripheral blood below 1 lac /μL termed as thrombocytopenia. Aims: To explore etiologies of thrombocytopenia in adults and to find incidence of morbidity, pattern of bleeding diathesis and mortality along with its association to severity of thrombocytopenia. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study done over a period of one year among 252 indoor cases of thrombocytopenia. Diagnosis was made with the help of clinical data and investigations performed. Bleeding manifestations and mortality were recorded and correlated with severity of thrombocytopenia. Results: The most common cause of thrombocytopenia was Septicaemia (24.21%) followed by megaloblastic anaemia (13.10%). Other causes included alcoholic liver disease, non-alcoholic liver disease and malignancies. Where 41 (16.27%) cases presented with bleeding manifestations. Incidence of bleeding manifestation was found highest that is 27.27% (P=0.008) in severe and least 9.44% in mild thrombocytopenia. Overall mortality rate was 19.84%, where 29.54%, 22.22% & 14.96% cases died with severe, moderate and mild thrombocytopenia respectively. Septicaemia (40%) was the most common cause of death followed by alcoholic liver disease (14%) and non-alcoholic liver disease (12%). Despite of being second most common etiology of thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic anemia showed only 8% mortality. Conclusion: Septicemia is leading cause of thrombocytopenia followed by megaloblastic anemia in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. Commonest bleeding manifestation in these cases is petechial hemorrhages seen more frequent in severe thrombocytopenia. More than half of the deaths in thrombocytopenic patients is attributed to septicemia and chronic liver disease. [Yadav S NJIRM 2017; 8(6):60-65]


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How to Cite

B S, Y., A V, V., S K, J., & N A, T. (2018). Etiological Profile, Morbidity and Mortality In Adult Thrombocytopenia Cases: A Study from Central India: Etiological Profile, Morbidity and Mortality In Adult Thrombocytopenia Cases: A Study from Central India. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(6), 60–65. Retrieved from



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