Central Giant Cell Granuloma: First Manifestation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Central Giant Cell Granuloma: First Manifestation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism


  • Jigna S Shah
  • Mahalaxmi B Panda


Hyperparathyroidism, Central Giant Cell Granuloma, Ultrasonography, Scintigraphy


Hyperparathyroidism results in an altered state of osseous metabolism involving bone resorption and tissue change known as osteitis fibrosa cystica, which is the end stage of this disease. It is rare because now-a-days it is usually diagnosed and treated before symptoms develop. Presentation of brown tumor in the jaws is rarely the first sign. Here a case of a 32 year old female patient with previously undiagnosed primary hyperparathyroidism, who presented with a mandibular swelling as initial sign of the disease is reported. Further investigations revealed a diagnosis of parathyroid adenoma. Evaluation of the patient has been reviewed in this case report. [Jigna S NJIRM 2017; 8(5):101-104]


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How to Cite

Shah, J. S., & Panda, M. B. (2018). Central Giant Cell Granuloma: First Manifestation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Central Giant Cell Granuloma: First Manifestation of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(5), 101–104. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1318



Case Report