Effectiveness of Interactive Small Group Discussion as a Novel Teaching Learning Method for Slow Learners in Physiology

Effectiveness of Interactive Small Group Discussion as a Novel Teaching Learning Method


  • Neha S Kulkarni
  • Chetana Hadimani


Interactive, Small group discussion, slow learners, Physiology


Background: Despite the known beneficial effects of small group teaching learning the original concept of small group deviate with regard to set-up and group size. Due to disproportionate ratio of teacher and student’s in small group discussions (SGD) most of the tutorials end up in to lectures and students are passive listeners. Involvement of students is effective method of teaching – learning and promotes problem solving, critical thinking, communication skills, teamwork, self- directed learning and retention of information. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the interactive SGD for slow learners in Physiology. Methodology: Consented 56 students, scored less than 40% in internal assessment (IA) were involved in this study. Physiological systems considered as a one module and were divided into sub-units and learning objectives were formed. In the beginning of the SGD a pre -test was conducted. Students were divided into groups. Interactive inter- group discussions were conducted for focused groups. After the completion of all modules, assessment was conducted and score was compared with the first internal assessment score. Result: The result was reflected in improved performance with the interactive SGD, with Mean score of first IA (79.00 ± 17.20) and that of mean score of assessment taken after SGD (106.75 ± 23.74) with p < 0.05.Conclusion: Interactive SGD, help students to analyze, synthesize, integrate and apply in real world problems. This develops students as lifelong learners and enables them to solve a new problem with confidence, which helps them in their future. [Neha KNJIRM 2017; 8(5):49-52]


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How to Cite

Kulkarni, N. S., & Hadimani, C. (2018). Effectiveness of Interactive Small Group Discussion as a Novel Teaching Learning Method for Slow Learners in Physiology: Effectiveness of Interactive Small Group Discussion as a Novel Teaching Learning Method. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(5), 49–52. Retrieved from https://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1305



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