Paperless Partogram- Bedside Tool for Effective and Vigilent Management of Labour.

Paperless Partogram- Bedside Tool for Effective and Vigilent Management of Labour.


  • Aditi Jain
  • Rajni Parikh
  • Vishwa Kanabar


Alert time, Action time, Friedmann


Background: My paper on paperless partogram is basically to evaluate prospectively ,its effectiveness as a bedside tool on the vigilent management of labour , prevention of any prolonged labour that may lead to adverse obstretical outcome. Methods: The present study was conducted in the department of obstretics and gynaecology at SIR-T hospital , Government medical college ,Bhavnagar during the period from 1st may 2016 to 1stjuly 2016, 100 antenatal women in active phase of labour who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in the study, for their course of labour two time, ALERT and ACTION time were calculated to look for any deviation in normal course of labour. The time at which the patient becomes 4 centimeter dilataion is considered as starting of Active phase of labour .Now ALERT TIME is calculated by adding 6 hours to this time of active labour , while ACTION TIME is calculated by further adding 4 hours to ALERT TIME , this is in consideration to Friedmann common rule that in active phase of labour patient should dilate at a rate of 1 centimeter per hour, any prolongation from these time targets are considered as abnormal progress of labour ,and hence intervention is required. Results: From the sample size of 100, 26 were primigravidae of which 8 were induced and 18 were in spontaneous labour, rest from 74 multigravidae ,9 were induced and 65 were in spontaneous labour. The average time after alert ETD in primigravidae was 3.4hrs and in multigravidae was 2.4hrs and LSCS was done in 2 patients. Conclusion: Based on the findings of above study ,it is concluded that paperless partogram was found to be convenient and effective handover tool in the management of labour and in prevention of prolonged labour ,thus improving maternal and fetal outcome. [Aditi J NJIRM 2017; 8(2):158-160]


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How to Cite

Jain, A., Parikh, R., & Kanabar, V. (2018). Paperless Partogram- Bedside Tool for Effective and Vigilent Management of Labour.: Paperless Partogram- Bedside Tool for Effective and Vigilent Management of Labour. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 8(2), 158–160. Retrieved from



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