Reverberations Of Stress On Periodontal Disease- A Review

Reverberations Of Stress On Periodontal Disease- A Review


  • Dr.Anita Panchal
  • Dr.Sejal Mehta
  • Dr.Dinesh Panchal
  • Dr.Dipti Shah


Stress, Periodontal disease, immune system, behavorial changes


Periodontal diseases are common chronic inflammatory diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms which induce elevations of pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting in tissue destruction. Evolution of periodontal diseases is influenced by many local or systemic risk factors.Stress a term continually being re-defined in the scientific study of disease and illness,is nevertheless a confirmed and important factor in the etiology and maintenance of many inflammatory diseases, including periodontal disease. Stress is not what happens to us, it is our response to what happens and response is something we can choose. Stress results in delayed healing of the connective tissues and bone, apical migration of thejunctional epithelium and formation of periodontal pocket.Stress may negatively influence the outcome of periodontal treatment. In this review we will discuss the role of stress that might be playing in periodontal disease is considered. [Dr.Anita P NJIRM 2016; 7(4): 147-153]


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How to Cite

Panchal, D., Mehta, D., Panchal, D., & Shah, D. (2018). Reverberations Of Stress On Periodontal Disease- A Review: Reverberations Of Stress On Periodontal Disease- A Review. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(4), 147–153. Retrieved from



Review Article