“Quiz – An Innovative Method Of Teaching Microbiology To Medical Undergraduate Students”

Quiz – An innovative method of teaching microbiology to medical undergraduate students


  • Dr Roma A. Chougale
  • Dr Vaishali S. Patil




Quiz, Multiple choice questions (MCQs), Knowledge, Microbiology


Background & Objective: Many undergraduate medical students prefer to concentrate on clinical subjects
and tend to neglect paraclinical subjects like Microbiology. A time has come when motivation is mandatory for the
current generation of students. The present study attempts to introduce quiz as an innovative learning method. A
quiz is a quick way of gathering information on how well our students are meeting their learning objectives. The
present study is aimed to assess the students’ knowledge and interest in Microbiology subject. Methodology: The
present study was conducted in the department of Microbiology, D.Y. Patil medical college, Kolhapur, on second
MBBS students. Five teams were enrolled from the neighboring medical colleges. We assessed the students’
knowledge by giving pre and post MCQ tests followed by various rounds of quiz competition. Results: There was a
significant increase in students’ knowledge in post MCQ test than that of pre MCQ test (P< 0.0001). It was also
observed that all the students had developed interest in Microbiology subject. Conclusion: We observed from the
present study that even a simple intervention like quiz can make a significant improvement in the knowledge of
medical students and help them to develop interest in microbiology subject. [Chougale R NJIRM 2016; 7(3): 101 -


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How to Cite

Chougale, D. R. A., & Patil, D. V. S. (2018). “Quiz – An Innovative Method Of Teaching Microbiology To Medical Undergraduate Students”: Quiz – An innovative method of teaching microbiology to medical undergraduate students. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 101–106. https://doi.org/10.70284/njirm.v7i3.1088



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