Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Towards Preventive Dental Care Among Dental Interns In Kanpur, India

Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Towards Preventive Dental Care Among Dental Interns In Kanpur, India


  • Dr. Pranav Thakur
  • Dr. Abhishek Awasthi
  • Dr. Girish R. Shavi



knowledge, attitude, practices, preventive; dental students


Objective: To assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Preventive dental care among dental
interns in Kanpur, India. Methodology: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey was conducted among 120
internship students of two dental colleges of Kanpur city. The participants were asked to provide demographic
information, to respond to statements about their attitude towards preventive dentistry, and to answer questions
regarding their perceived competence in applying preventive dentistry procedures. Results: Data from 120 dental
internship students of Kanpur were analysed for this study, of which 65% were males and 35% of them were females.
The most acknowledged aspects of preventive dentistry were being useful and essential to the community (100%,).
The percentage of participants expressing a proficiency in providing dietary counselling and oral hygiene instructions
was the highest (88.3% & 83.3% respectively). Conclusion: This study highlighted that the currently implemented
undergraduate education programme in dental colleges in Kanpur does not provide dentists with the required
attitude and skills to fulfil their role in providing preventive-oriented health services. [Thakur P NJIRM 2016; 7(3): 92 -


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How to Cite

Thakur, D. P., Awasthi, D. A., & Shavi, D. G. R. (2018). Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Towards Preventive Dental Care Among Dental Interns In Kanpur, India: Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Towards Preventive Dental Care Among Dental Interns In Kanpur, India. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 92–96.



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