Assessment Of Knowledge And Awareness Of Adult Basic Life Support Among Post Graduate Students Of Rama Dental College, Kanpur City, India

Assessment Of Knowledge And Awareness Of Adult Basic Life Support Among Post Graduate Students


  • Dr Jayant Kumar
  • Dr Devina Pradhan
  • Dr Girish R Shavi
  • Dr Amit Kumar



Knowledge, Awareness, Basic life support, Cardio pulmonary resuscitation, Automated external defibrillation


Background: Accidents and cardiac arrest are mostly encountered life threatening emergencies, which can
sometimes be prevented by adequate knowledge and proper practice regarding basic life support (BLS) and
resuscitation. Therefore, the study aims at evaluating the knowledge and awareness of adult basic life support
among postgraduate students of Rama Dental College, Kanpur. Methodology: A cross- sectional descriptive study was
been conducted amongst the postgraduate students regarding BLS. Permission was obtained from the Institutional
heads and the review board. A self- structured questionnaire in English which was administered was validated via
pilot study. The questionnaire comprised of 13 close ended questions including demographic details as well as
questions regarding knowledge and awareness on Basic Life Support. A single calibrated examiner administered the
questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by calculating percentage and frequency distribution. Results: 100
postgraduate students were chosen as study subjects. Out of those, 95 students submitted the duly filled
questionnaires. Therefore, it was seen that only 37%-38% students had knowledge regarding the meaning of BLS,
while only 11% postgraduate students were aware of the latest modification of the BLS. 30%-37% students gave the
correct response for the question ‘first response when you see a person unresponsive on road’. 56% students had
knowledge regarding the location for compression of chest. Conclusion: In the current study, we found that most of
the postgraduate students did not have adequate knowledge regarding BLS. [Kumar J NJIRM 2016; 7(3): 83 - 85]


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How to Cite

Kumar, D. J., Pradhan, D. D., Shavi, D. G. R., & Kumar, D. A. (2018). Assessment Of Knowledge And Awareness Of Adult Basic Life Support Among Post Graduate Students Of Rama Dental College, Kanpur City, India: Assessment Of Knowledge And Awareness Of Adult Basic Life Support Among Post Graduate Students. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 83–85.



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