A Study Of Bacteriological Profile And Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Isolated Organisms From ICU's With Special Reference To Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms

A Study Of Bacteriological Profile And Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Isolated Organisms From ICU's


  • Dr. Bhaumik V. Patel
  • Dr. Pankti Panchal
  • Dr. Disha Patel
  • Dr. Mahendra. M. Vegad




Bacterial contamination, mobile phones, pens


Background and Aim: Microbes are notorious for rapidly develop drugs resistant due to gene transfer and
spontaneous mutation. So their continues surveillance of antibiogram pattern is necessary to detect muti-drugs
resistant organisms to improve patients outcome admitted in ICUs. Objective is to detect bacterial organisms causing
infection in different ICUs and to know their antibiotic resistance pattern. Methodology: Total 602 different samples
were collected from different ICUs and processed for culture, bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility
testing done according to CLSI recommendation. Results: Out of total 602 samples, 248 (41.02%) were culture
positive. The number of isolated Gram negative and Gram positive organisms were 196 (79.03%) and 52 (20.97%)
respectively. Most common isolated of Gram negative organism was Pseudomonas spp. 58(23.38%), followed by
Acinetobacter spp. 46 (18.55%). While, most common isolated gram positive cocci was coagulase negative
staphylococcus spp. 32 (12.95%), followed by Enterococcus spp 8 (3.24%). From total 196 isolates of gram negative,
71.43% were MDROs, 7.14% were XDROs. Out of total 52 gram positive isolates, 40.38% were MDRO, 3.85% were
XDRO. Conclusion: Routine Microbiological surveillance helps to guide in implementing better antibiotic policies to
improve patient’s morbidity and mortality suffering from multi-drug resistant infections in ICUs. [Patel B NJIRM 2016;
7(3):25 - 29]


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How to Cite

Patel, D. B. V., Panchal, D. P., Patel, D. D., & Vegad, D. M. M. (2018). A Study Of Bacteriological Profile And Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Isolated Organisms From ICU’s With Special Reference To Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms: A Study Of Bacteriological Profile And Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns Of Isolated Organisms From ICU’s. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 25–29. https://doi.org/10.70284/njirm.v7i3.1070



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