Cord Blood Iron Status In Maternal Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Cord Blood Iron Status In Maternal Iron Deficiency Anaemia


  • Dr. Vandana Agrawal
  • Dr. Vaishali Jain
  • Dr. Priti Sahu



Iron deficiency anaemia, cord blood , haemoglobin , ferritin


Background: Iron deficiency (ID) and iron-deficiency anaemia (IDA) during pregnancy continue to be of
worldwide concern.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of maternal iron status on neonatal iron
status and anthropometric characteristics.Methodology: A total of 86 pregnant women aged between 19 and 31
years delivering singleton live births at term gestation (37-41weeks) were included in the study. The pregnant women
were divided into three groups according to their pre-delivery haemoglobin (<11gm/dl) and serum ferritin
concentration (<12ng/dl) levels. Analysis of maternal and cord blood for estimation of haemoglobin level and serum
ferritin was performed. Weight, length and head circumference of neonates was also recorded. Results: Amongst the
pregnant women, 32.6% were anaemic and 17.4% were iron deficient. Neonatal haemoglobin and neonatal serum
ferritin was significantly different (p<0.001) across 3 groups suggesting that maternal anaemia affected the iron
status including iron stores of the newborn. Neonatal haemoglobin and neonatal serum ferritin had a significant
positive correlation with maternal iron status. However no significant correlation was found between maternal iron
status and neonatal anthropometric parameters except in case of neonatal birth weight which had a significant
positive correlation with maternal haemoglobin levels. Conclusion: This study showed that maternal iron deficiency
anaemia has an adverse effect on iron status of their newborns. Thus effective strategies are urgently needed to
control maternal anaemia in the developing world. [Agrawal V NJIRM 2016; 7(3):21 - 24]


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How to Cite

Agrawal, D. V., Jain, D. V., & Sahu, D. P. (2018). Cord Blood Iron Status In Maternal Iron Deficiency Anaemia: Cord Blood Iron Status In Maternal Iron Deficiency Anaemia. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 21–24.



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