Variations In The Formation Of The Median Nerve

Variations In The Formation Of The Median Nerve


  • Praveen B Iyer
  • Lakshmi Rajgopal



variation, formation, median nerve, cord, brachial plexus


Background: Variations in the formation of median nerve can result in misinterpretation of clinical signs
due to median nerve palsy and hence they are of great clinical significance. Thus this project was taken up to study
these variations and also to measure the distance of the site of formation of the median nerve from the tip of the
coracoid process of the scapula. Methodology: Ninety-eight formalin fixed upper limbs were used for the study (50
right, 48 left). The variations in the formation of the median nerve were noted. The level of formation of the median
nerve was measured from the tip of the coracoid process of the scapula. Results: The median nerve was formed from
an anterior cord of brachial plexus in two cases, both on the left side. Double lateral root of the median nerve was
present in 4 specimens, 3 on the left side and 1 on the right side. Conclusion: Variations in the formation of median
nerve have embryological basis and clinical significance and the distance of site of the union of two roots of the
median nerve from the tip of the coracoid process will be helpful to surgeons to locate median nerve in surgeries
around the shoulder. [Iyer P NJIRM 2016; 7(3):17 - 20]


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How to Cite

Iyer, P. B., & Rajgopal, L. (2018). Variations In The Formation Of The Median Nerve: Variations In The Formation Of The Median Nerve. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(3), 17–20.



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