Prevalence, SeroconversionAnd Risk Factors Of Hepatitis B And C Infection In Haemodialysis Patients At District Hospital Of Mehsana

Seroconversion of Hepatitis B and C infection in haemodialysis patients


  • Komal Patel
  • Gaurishankar Shrimali


Haemodialysis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Incidence, Nosocomial infection


Background& Objective: Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are significant problems in the management of haemodialysis patients.We aimed to investigate the incidence and prevalence of HBV and HCV infection in the hemodialysis patients as well as risk factors for infection.Methodology:All adult patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis (n=150) in District hospital, Mehsana were studied between June 2014 to October 2015. Testing for Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HCV antibodies was performed at initiation of dialysis and every 3 monthly thereafter. Patients who were sero-negative for HBV and HCV were followed up for 1 year to detect sero-conversions.Results: The prevalence and seroconversion rates were 11.33% and 4.66% in HBV patients and 14% and 6% in HCV patients respectively. There was a significant correlation of the prevalence and seroconversion of HCV and HBV with number of blood transfusion and duration of heamodialysis.Conclusion:Patients on maintenance hemodialysis have a high incidence and prevalence of HCV infection and lower rates of HBV infection in this study. The factors associated with HBV and HCV infection are highly suggestive of nosocomial transmission withinhemodialysis units. Strict infection control measures are required.[Patel K NJIRM 2015; 6(6):19-23]


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How to Cite

Patel, K., & Shrimali, G. (2018). Prevalence, SeroconversionAnd Risk Factors Of Hepatitis B And C Infection In Haemodialysis Patients At District Hospital Of Mehsana: Seroconversion of Hepatitis B and C infection in haemodialysis patients. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 6(6), 19–23. Retrieved from



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