“Coronary Atherosclerosisâ€- A Post-Mortem Histopathological study of 7 years
Background : The incidence of coronary heart disease has markedly increased in India over the past few years.
Coronary atherosclerosis, the largest cause of morbidity & mortality in developed and developing country.
Aim : To study the prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis cases on histopathology. To study different morphology
of coronary atherosclerosis on histopathology.To assess cases according to gender, age and socioeconomic
Material and Methods : Prospective and retrospective study of 7 years was designed to evaluate common
coronary atherosclerosis reported on autopsy viscera at histopathology department from August 2014 to August
Result : The study comprises the cases in the age group between 10 to 90 years. Both side coronary vessels
involvement is more common than single vessels involvement. The most common type of atherosclerosis seen was
Grade 2.
Conclusion : coronary atherosclerosis was most commonly diagnosed in the age group of 41 – 50 years and have
a male preponderance. Urban population more affected than rural. Most common observed complication is
myocardial infraction.