A study to evaluate pain relief and pancreatic function after lateral pancreati cojejunotomy for chronic pancreatitis
Introduction : Chronic pancreatitis is the persistent inflammation and irreversible fibrosis of pancreatic tiisue. It is
charecterised by chronic abdominal pain and pancreatic insufficiency that decreses the quality of life of the
Material and Methods : Eleven patients with severe pain due to chronic pancreatitis were treated by lateral
pancreaticojejunostomy after preoperative assessment in SMIMER hospital, Surat. All patients were evaluated on
follow up visits for pain relief and endocrine and exocrine insufficiency.
Results : Eight patients (73%) are free of pain after operation. Two patients (18%) had decresed pain after
surgery. One patient (9%) had no relief of pain and died after surgery. There is no improvement in steatorrhea and
diabetes mellitus after surgery.
Conclusion : Longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy has a role for the control of pain in chronic pancreatitis.