“Hearing results of ossicular chain reconstruction with cartilage in type III tympanoplasty in tubotympanic diseaseâ€
This article is to evaluate the functional and hearing outcomes using different cartilages for ossicular chain
reconstruction in cases of tubotympanic disease where type III tympanoplasty (minor columella) with canal wall up
mastoidectomy is done.
The retrospective study is performed at tertiary referral institute which included 30 patients with tympanic
membrane perforations requiring tympanic membrane and ossicular chain (type III) reconstruction. Patients with
disease extending beyond the aditus requiring canal wall down mastoidectomy were excluded. Ossicular chain
reconstruction was performed using different cartilages like tragal cartilage, conchal cartilage or homologus septal
spur cartilage.
Patients were assessed by comparing pre operative air bone gap( ABG ) with post operative air bone gap(ABG)
and thus hearing improvement was assessed at the end of 12 weeks.
CSOM: Chronic suppurative otitis media - OCR: Ossicular chain reconstruction
ETF: Eustachain tube function ABG: Air bone gap