Only home kitchen feeds v/s commercial nutritional supplementation in patients of acute corrosive injury on feeding jejunostomy
Introduction : In present study, we present our experience of patients with corrosive injury on feeding jejunostomy
enteral nutrition. We aimed to compare between exclusive home kitchen feeds and commercial feeds in
maintaining nutrition in patients on enteral nutrition by feeding jejunostomy.
Materials & Methods : A case control study (50 subjects each) was conducted on patients on enteral nutrition by
feeding jejunostomy. Cases included patients on feeding jejunostomy home enteral nutrition based on exclusively
home kitchen feeds while controls include patients with jejunostomy feeding based on commercial
protein/readymade powder supplements.
Results : On follow up, it was observed that mean hemoglobin and albumin levels of cases i.e. subjects on home
based feed was significantly higher as compared to controls i.e. subjects on commercial feeds. Also, mean
increase in weight gain was significantly more in cases as compared to controls at each follow up. Mean monthly
cost of home based feeds was significantly lower as compared to commercial feeds (Rs. 900/- vs 16,200/-;
Conclusion : According to the present study, there is a clear advantage of home based feeds over commercial
feeds for enteral nutrition in corrosive injury. Home-made formulas also offer economic advantage over
commercial feeds which places less financial burden to the concerned families and society.