Subclinical hypothyroidism: When to treat
Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH)is a conditionin which
there i s a per s i s tent elevation in thy roidstimulatinghormone (TSH) (12 weeks or longer) in the
setting of FT4/T4concentrations that are repeatedly
found within the referenceinterval. Subclinical hypot
hyroidism may be categorized as grade 1 when TSH
level sare between the upper limit of the reference range
and 9.9mIU/L and as grade 2 if serum TSH levels
are10mIU/L or higher.As multiple factors, such as
subacute thyroiditis,recovery from nonthyroidal illness,
andmedication (e.g., amiodarone and lithium),
cancause transient abnormalities in the serum TSH
level,subclinical hypothyroidism is diagnosed after
excluding all other causes of elevated TSH levels.