Two Case Reports of Complicated Scrub Typhus Fever Myocarditis and Late Fetal Loss
Two Case Reports of Complicated Scrub Typhus Fever Myocarditis and Late Fetal Loss
Scrub typhus fever, myocarditis, fetal lossAbstract
Scrub typhus fever is a re-emerging infectious disease and its incidence is on increase in South India in recent. Scrub typhus fever can present with a variety of presentations from a self-limiting disease to fatal multiorgan dysfunction. Scrub typhus can cause myocarditis although there are very few case reports. Here we present a patient with scrub typhus fever with fever and hypotension who developed ventricular tachycardia and was reverted and discharged after prolonged hospitalization. There are also case reports of scrub typhus fever during pregnancy associated with fetal loss. The second case was a pregnant woman with fever had an inevitable fetal loss due to scrub typhus infection