Follicular carcinoma of thyroid arising in a multinodular goitre with distant metastasis – A rare case report

Follicular carcinoma of thyroid arising in a multinodular goitre with distant metastasis – A rare case report


  • Dr.Vijayalaxmi S Patil
  • Dr. Savita Shettar
  • Dr. Yeshaswini Jayakuma


Follicular carcinoma, multinodular goitre, metastasis, soft tissue


Introduction: Endemic goitre is a major concern in many parts of the world, including Southeast Asia. Goitrous thyroid lesion is postulated as a precursor to thyroid cancer (TC). The incidence of carcinoma in MNG is reported with a percentage that varies from 7% to 17%. Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the more common histological type arising in multinodular goiter (MNG) followed by follicular carcinoma.
Case presentation: Here we are presenting a case of follicular carcinoma arising in a long standing multi nodular goiter with soft tissue metastasis in a 55 year old female patient. She presented with a neck swelling and a gluteal swelling since 16 years and 2 months respectively. Fine needle aspiration cytology and histopathological examination of thyroid swelling and the gluteal swelling showed features of follicular carcinoma.
Conclusion: Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid is the second common carcinoma arising in a multinodular goiter. It is a slow growing tumor and distant spread may occur commonly to brain, bone and lungs. A soft tissue metastasis is extremely rare. Here we present a rare case of metastatic follicular carcinoma in the gluteal region in a 55 year old female






Case Report