Virilizing Adrenal Adenoma causing precocious puberty in a girl- a rare presentation

Virilizing Adrenal Adenoma causing precocious puberty in a girl- a rare presentation


  • Dr. Prabir Maji
  • Dr. Minni Rani Akhouri
  • Dr. Samir kumar


Adrenal adenoma, androgen, Precocious puberty, Virilization


causative factors. The differential diagnosis is broad with androgen producing adrenal adenoma being one of them though very rare cause.We report a case of heterosexual precocious puberty presenting with early adrenergic features and finally diagnosed to have unilateral adrenal adenoma as the cause, a rare condition not commonly reported in the literature. The patient was transferred to our paediatric surgery department and was operated with left adrenalectomy. Histopathological examination of the excised mass revealed adrenocortical oncocytoma.
Conclusion: Precocious puberty has wide differential diagnoses and work up. Cases presenting with virilizing signs should alert clinician for probable cause of androgen producing adrenal tumour, a rare condition not commonly reported in paediatric age group in literature. Early identification and intervention may halt the accelerated maturation with maintaining subsequent physiological growth potential.






Case Report