Role of Remedial Exercises and Mobilisation to Reduce Pain and Improve Functional Abilities in Idiopathic Polyarthritis - A Case Report

Role of Remedial Exercises and Mobilisation to Reduce Pain and Improve Functional Abilities in Idiopathic Polyarthritis - A Case Report


  • Sanjiv kumar
  • Jeba Chitra
  • Siddharth Mishra


Idiopathic polyarthritis; exercise; functional independence, mobilization


Background: Idiopathic polyarthritis is a rare entity and remains to be a challenging case to diagnose and manage which has the major impact on the physical, social and psychological aspect of the affected individual. Objective: The aim of the report is to determine the role of remedial exercises and mobilisation to reduce pain and restoration of function in patient with idiopathic polyarthritis. Case report: We report the case of 47 year female presenting with history of severe pain and stiffness in her knee joint followed by shoulder, elbow, wrist and ankle joint with swelling in both hands and feet’s . The pain and stiffness was managed by remedial exercises and mobilisation. Conclusion: A remedial exercises along with mobilization is an effective intervention for reducing pain and restoration of functional ability and to increase functional independency.






Case Report