Myopathy In An Alcoholic Patient

Myopathy In An Alcoholic Patient


  • Dr Shaheena Kamal
  • Dr Mehboob Ul Haque



Alcohol , Myopathy, Creatine phosphokinase


Aim :- To describe a patient with elevated creatine kinase , the cause of which is not encountered commonly. The CPK level of a blood sample obtained in the laboratory was found to be very high . When investigated it was found to be of a patient who presented to emergency after taking Alcohol for 5 days without food.The patient was being diagnosed with alcoholic myopathy.Alcoholic myopathy is not well recognized condition and should be considered in such patient presenting with muscle weakness.


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How to Cite

Kamal, D. S., & Ul Haque, D. M. (2013). Myopathy In An Alcoholic Patient: Myopathy In An Alcoholic Patient. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 4(1), 144–146.



Case Report

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