Analysing The Correlation Of Lipid Profile Pattern In Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) Patients
Analysing The Lipid Profile Pattern In Patients With Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD)
RHD, NCEP ATP-3 guidelines, Lipid profileAbstract
Background: The global burden of ARF and RHD is significant, and is predominantly found in populations living in low-resource settings. This study was conducted with a view for analysing the lipid profile variation in patients with chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) and correlating the same. The early management of RHD has to be started to prevent further cardiac complications. To date no hypothesis is established on the relation between the Lipid Profile and RHD. This study would be beneficial to Indian cardiologists in defining the optimal treatment by the choice of antibiotic therapy and Lipid lowering agents like Statins. Material And Methods: It was a cross-sectional study carried out on the patients visiting Cardiology Out Patient Department (OPD) at a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad and who were diagnosed with Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).The blood lipids levels of the patients were evaluated with current classification schemes and treatment levels for hyperlipidemia based on the National Cholesterol Education Panel’s (NCEP) Adult Treatment Program-3 (ATP-III) guidelines. Result: Total 89 patients were included in the study. 76 patients were associated with dyslipidaemia and 13 patients had normal lipid values. As far as total cholesterol levels were concerned, 23 out of 76 patients (30.26%) had above target levels for total cholesterol. Also 46 patients out of 76(60.52%) had raised triglycerides levels and 47 patients (61.84%) had raised LDL levels. As far as HDL levels were concerned, 38 out of 76 patients (50.00%) had below desirable levels. The frequency of deranged LDL is higher as compared to HDL, triglycerides and total cholesterol levels. If these values are to be co-related to the disease, then LDL as a lipid parameter stands most significant. Conclusion: Morbidity and mortality in RHD is very high in Indian patients and one of the determinants of the cardiovascular morbidity is the increased lipid levels. The frequency of deranged LDL is higher as compared to HDL and total cholesterol levels in these patients. This study was planned to evaluate an entirely novel hypothesis that RHD is an independent risk factor for Atherosclerosis and CAD. The exact reason behind the occurrence is unknown but it can be environmental or genetic. RHD and Dyslipidaemia might engulf younger patients. The study is also aimed at evaluating all lipid parameters with RHD. [Patel M Natl J Integr Res Med, 2022; 13(4): 23-28, Published on Dated: 10/07/2022]
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