Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Cancer Patient at Terminal Stage

Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Cancer Patient at Terminal Stage


  • Dr. Arun Dupare
  • Dr. Roshni Dupare
  • Dr. Lata Dupare


facial prosthesis, heat cured acrylic resin, obturator prosthesis, rare earth magnet, self cured acrylic resin


is the forefront of aesthetics. Surgical resection of the maxillae and facial structures for treatment of cancer, trauma, congenital deformities or infection causes maxillofacial defect that has serious impact on the individual’s esthetic and has great psychological trauma of social outcast. When the presented defect is extensive and supporting structures is lacking, the rehabilitation and restoring functions is a challenging task. Rehabilitation becomes even more difficult when the problems at defect site are associated with the complications. An attempt has been made to rehabilitate of a patient at terminal stage having extensive maxillofacial defect with inoperable carcinoma, infections, and restricted mouth opening.


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How to Cite

Dupare, D. A., Dupare, D. R., & Dupare, D. L. (2012). Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Cancer Patient at Terminal Stage: Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a Cancer Patient at Terminal Stage. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(2), 148–151. Retrieved from



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