Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Diabetic Patients Regarding The Use Of Artificial Sweetners As Substitute To Sugar

KAP Of Diabetic Patients Regarding The Use Of Artificial Sweetners


  • Rekha Nayaka Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, KAHER university, JN Medical College, Belagavi. 590001,Karnataka,India
  • Ritwik Jain Second Year Student, KAHER university, JN Medical College, Belagavi. 590001,Karnataka,India


artificial sweeteners, diabetes mellitus, KAP study


: Background: Artificial sweeteners have both beneficial effects and unwanted adverse effects on health as stated by several studies. Inspite of their beneficial effects in diabetes,long term use of  artificial sweeteners are  not recommended because of their health related complications like obesity, metabolic disorders and Type 2 diabetes etc.Therefore before  consuming any artificial sweetener,all diabetic patients should be aware of both health benefits and their health hazards. SO,current study is planned to know the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of diabetic patients regarding  artificial sweeteners and to create awareness among these patients to prevent health related complications on long term use of artificial sweeteners. Methodology: A total of 536 diabetic patients were interviewed in the hospital for a period of 3 months. Out of them, 205 diabetic patients were enlisted for the study as they were consuming artificial sweeteners as a substitute to sugar and data was collected through semi structured questionnaire prepared to sought information on knowledge, attitude and practice of diabetes patients on artificial sweeteners and their use. Results: Analysis of knowledge of patients showed that 97% patients don’t know the content of artificial sweetener they consume , 78.5% patients are unaware of health benefits and  health hazards of artificial sweeteners and 99.5% patients don’t know for how long these products should be consumed. Analysis of attitude of patients showed that  68.7% patients thinks that they would not prefer to use normal sugar instead of artificial sweetener,94.6% patients thinks that all artificial sweeteners are tested and approved  to control blood sugar level . Analysis of practice of patients showed that  80% patients use artificial sweetener in the tablet form specially  in tea and only 16% patients felt  feeling of well being after consuming artificial sweeteners but rest of the patients are  consuming these products only because of doctors advice. These respondants are consuming artificial sweeteners for  mean duration of  5.4±4.5 yrs. Conclusion: Maximum no of well educated type 2 diabetes patients prefer to use artificial sweeteners in their diet to control blood sugar level without complete awareness on the content & proper consumption of sweeteners, different  types of sugar substitutes, health benefits and hazards of sweeteners. Hence, there is a dire need to promote awareness about artificial sweeteners among diabetic patients in order to prevent any long term complications  related  to the consumption of these sweeteners.[ Jain R Natl J Integr Res Med, 2018; 9(6):28-35]


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How to Cite

Nayaka, R., & Jain, R. (2019). Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Diabetic Patients Regarding The Use Of Artificial Sweetners As Substitute To Sugar: KAP Of Diabetic Patients Regarding The Use Of Artificial Sweetners. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(6), 28–35. Retrieved from



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