Morphological and Morphometrical Study of Sacral Hiatus of Human Sacrum

Morphological and Morphometrical Study of Sacral Hiatus of Human Sacrum


  • Archana Singh Assistant Professor,Department Of Community Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College & Hospital, Bareilly (U.P.) India
  • Rakesh Gupta Professor & Head,Department Of Community Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College & Hospital, Bareilly (U.P.) India
  • Arun Singh Professor, Department Of Community Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College & Hospital, Bareilly (U.P.) India



Sacral Hiatus (SH), Caudal Epidural Block (CEB), Sacral Canal


Introduction: For successful epidural caudal anesthesia it is very important to know the anatomy of sacral
hiatus. Caudal opening of sacral canal is sacral hiatus (SH).Methods: Eleven direct morphometric measurements were
done on sacral vertebrae and hiatus of 56 adult dry human sacral bones of unknown age and gender. Morphological
features shape, level of apex and base of SH were noted. Data were expressed as mean (SD), analysis were
performed using SPSS. Results: Most common shape of SH was inverted ‘U’ in 34 (60.7%) sacrum. In 28 (50%) sacra
apex was present at the level of S4. The level of base of sacral hiatus- in 46 (82.1%) sacra it was at S5 vertebrae. The
length of SH was 21.73 + 8.92mm, width was11.59 + 3.25mm and the depth was 5.02 + 2.09 mm. Distance from SH
apex to S2 level was 30.30 + 11.01 mm, from SH base to S2 level was 52.03 + 6.54 mm and between upper border S1
and sacral apex was 59.58 + 14.66 mm. The distance between the two superolateral crest was 61.16 + 5.42 mm,
between right superolateral crest and apex of SH was 57.54 + 10.02 mm, the distance between left superolateral
crest and apex of SH was 58.32 + 10.59 mm, between the right superolateral crest and sacral apex was 86.22 + 9.52
mm and between left superolateral crest and apex of sacral apex was 87.19 + 9.85 mm. Conclusion: The given
landmark in this study results in the formation of equilateral triangle, which can provide the practical benefit to the
clinician for localization of SH in CEB. [A Singh, Natl J Integr Res Med, 2018; 9(4):65-73]


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How to Cite

Singh, A., Gupta, R., & Singh, A. (2018). Morphological and Morphometrical Study of Sacral Hiatus of Human Sacrum: Morphological and Morphometrical Study of Sacral Hiatus of Human Sacrum. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(4), 65–73.



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