Endometrial Thickness As A Test For Endometrial Cancer In Women With Abnormal Postmenopausal And Perimenopausal Vaginal Bleeding & Its Histopathological Correlation

Endometrial Thickness As A Test For Endometrial Cancer


  • Col (Dr) P.K. Roy
  • Dr. Pooja Singh
  • Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh
  • Dr. Kalpana Mahadik
  • Dr. Roopam Jain


Endometrial thickness, endometrial cancer, abnormalpostmenopausalbleeding


Introduction: The menopausal & perimenopausal age are characterized by a deficiency of progesterone and relative hyperestrogenism leading to increased risk of carcinoma endometrium. Transvaginal ultrasonography is used to evaluate the thickness of endometrium in perimenopausal & postmenopausal women presenting with abnormal bleeding per vaginum & its histopathological classification was done. Material & Methods: This retrospective study was carried out in R D Gardi Medical College and Hospital, Ujjain. Seventy five cases were selected from May 2010 - May 2012 and studied in respect to age,parity,socio-economic status, and endometrial thickness in women with abnormal bleeding per vaginum & its relation to histopathology findings of endometrium obtained through D & C. Results:Out of seventy five cases, 49(65.5%) were in perimenopausal age group, and 26(34.5%) in postmenopausal age group. Endometrial thickness greater than 12mm was in 73.4% of perimenopausal and 25.3% of postmenopausal women. In perimenopausal women with abnormal bleeding,histopathology showed‘Benign Hyperplasia’in 51%, ‘Proliferative endometrium’in 26.5%, ‘Secretary endometrium’ in 4.08%, ‘Atrophic endometrium’ in 2.04%, ‘Atypical Hyperplasia’ in 10.2%, andcarcinoma in 6.12%.Whereas in postmenopausal women, Atypical Hyperplasia in 11.4%, carcinoma in 46.12%,benign hyperplasia in 7.6%, proliferative endometrium in 15.33%, secretary endometrium in 7.69%, and atrophic in 11.4%. Conclusion: In majority endometrial thickness by TVS may be helpful in planning investigation protocol and further management


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How to Cite

Roy, C. (Dr) P., Singh, D. P., Singh, D. V. K., Mahadik, D. K., & Jain, D. R. (2013). Endometrial Thickness As A Test For Endometrial Cancer In Women With Abnormal Postmenopausal And Perimenopausal Vaginal Bleeding & Its Histopathological Correlation: Endometrial Thickness As A Test For Endometrial Cancer. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 4(2), 138–142. Retrieved from http://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/2166



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