Comparison Between Total And Subtotal Thyroidectomy In Graves’ Disease

Total And Subtotal Thyroidectomy In Graves’ Disease


  • Dr. Suthar Kaushal D
  • Dr. Mewada Bhavna N
  • Dr. Surati Keyur N
  • Dr. Shah Jainum K


Graves’ Disease, Subtotal Thyroidectomy, Total Thyroidectomy


Objective: To compare the results of total thyroidectomy and subtotal thyroidectomy amongst the surgically treated patients with Graves’ Disease. Material and Method: This study includes 50 patients of Graves’ disease out of which 27 patients underwent for total thyroidectomy and 23 underwent for subtotal thyroidectomy. Comparison done in regards to postoperative complication between total and subtotal thyroidectomy in terms of advantages and disadvantages. Results: Incidence of transient or permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and hypocalcemia were high amongst the patients operated for total than subtotal thyroidectomy. Thyroid function tests were normal in all patients after total thyroidectomy with hormone replacement therapy and 17.39% of patients had hypothyroidism after subtotal thyroidectomy. Recurrence rate was nil and 21.73% respectively in total and subtotal thyroidectomy. One patient of subtotal thyroidectomy had occult carcinoma in histopatholical examination which required revision of surgery. Conclusion: Total thyroidectomy is superior to subtotal thyroidectomy based on the considerable surgical risk and lack of recurrence in total thyroidectomy as well as the risk of occult carcinoma and questionable ability of the subtotal thyroidectomy to maintain the euthyoid state.


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How to Cite

D, D. S. K., N, D. M. B., N, D. S. K., & K, D. S. J. (2013). Comparison Between Total And Subtotal Thyroidectomy In Graves’ Disease: Total And Subtotal Thyroidectomy In Graves’ Disease. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 4(1), 29–33. Retrieved from



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