A Correlation between Dyslipidaemia and Glycaemic Control in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Profile of Drowning Autopsies at Rajkot Civil Hospital


  • Dr.Dinesh Parmar
  • Dr.Kirit Sakariya
  • Dr.Kalpesh Vidja
  • Dr.Neeta Mehta
  • Dr.Manish Kakaiya


dyslipidaemia, type-2 diabetics, glycaemic control, HbA1c level


Background: Diabetes is global endemic with rapidly increasing prevalence in both developing and
developed countries. There is a high risk of cardiovascular diseases in people with type 2 diabetes, while
Abnormal lipid profiles and lipoprotein oxidation (especially LDL-C) are more common in diabetics and are
aggravated with poor glycaemic control. The aim of the present study is to assess the glycaemic control status
by HbA1c estimation and to compare the lipid profile in type 2 diabetes patients with good glycaemic control
(HbA1c≤8) & those with poor glycaemic control (HbA1c>8). Materials and methods: The present study was
conducted on 100 type-2 diabetic males aged 40-60 years. Among them 48 patients having HbA1c level ≤8%
were categorized as having good glycaemic control (group-1)and 52 patients with HbA1c >8% were
categorized as having poor glycaemic control(group-2). Result: A significant increase in
S.cholesterol(254.46±45.54), s.LDL(162.57±39.79), S.VLDL(45.98±14.69) and S.triglycerides (225. ±76.61) in
group-2 pateints (P≤0.05) were noticed as compare to group-1 patients. Our findings suggest positive
association between dyslipidemia and glycemic control on the basis of screening with the HbA1c level. Raised
triglyceride and LDL levels are established risk factors for coronary artery diseases. Conclusion: The optimal
care of diabetic patients should also include periodic screening for lipid abnormalities and periodic
measurement of HbA1C for glycaemic control.


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How to Cite

Parmar, D., Sakariya, D., Vidja, D., Mehta, D., & Kakaiya, D. (2012). A Correlation between Dyslipidaemia and Glycaemic Control in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Profile of Drowning Autopsies at Rajkot Civil Hospital. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 3(1), 46–48. Retrieved from http://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1965



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