Profile of Bronchiectasis Patients in A Tertiary Care Institute – A Study From Central India

Profile of Bronchiectasis Patients in A Tertiary Care Institute – A Study From Central India


  • Tariq Jalaly
  • Pradip Soni


bronchiectasis, clubbing, pulmonary tuberculosis, tobacco smoking


Background: The prevalence of bronchiectasis has declined in the developed countries because of early immunization, widespread use of antibiotics in management of childhood respiratory infections and effective control of tuberculosis. Aims and objective: The present study was performed to describe the clinical spectrum of the patients presenting with bronchiectasis. Methods: A prospective observational study was done on 50 patients, history suggestive of bronchiectasis were included at Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal from July 2015 to June 2017. Patients detailed history, clinical feature, etiology, radiological features and complications were recorded. Results: Mean age of the patients (76% males and 24% females) was 52.94±17.02 years and 78% of them were exposed to smoke. The most common symptoms were cough (92%), expectoration (86%) and dyspnea (74%). The most common chest examination findings were crackles (92%) and rhonchi (50%). Clubbing (66%) of fingers was commonly associated with bronchiectasis. Post tubercular (48%) bronchiectasis was the most common etiological diagnosis. Unilateral (66%) tubular (64%) bronchiectasis was the most common type of bronchiectasis on the basis of radio-imaging. Conclusion: The bronchiectasis remained one of the important chronic respiratory diseases; post tubercular variety was the most common type. Tuberculosis, smoking and recurrent chest infection contributed towards higher morbidity of the disease.


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How to Cite

Jalaly, T., & Soni, P. (2018). Profile of Bronchiectasis Patients in A Tertiary Care Institute – A Study From Central India: Profile of Bronchiectasis Patients in A Tertiary Care Institute – A Study From Central India. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(1), 65–67. Retrieved from



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