Serum Iron And Ferritin As Diagnostic Marker of Breast Cancer

Serum Iron And Ferritin As Diagnostic Marker of Breast Cancer


  • Amrita Vamne
  • Poornimadey Sarkar
  • Kiran sodavadiya


Breast cancer, ferritin, iron, diagnostic marker


Background: It is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide affecting. Risk of cancer increase with the age and it is higher in postmenopausal women. Iron deficiency anaemia is most prevalent in Indian women population. Association of serum iron profile and ferritin could be breakthrough for breast cancer detection and could become a future tumour marker. The aim of present study was to measure the serum ferritin, iron, total iron binding capacity and unbound iron binding capacity concentration in breast cancer patients to find out role of serum biochemical parameters (ferritin, iron, UIBC and TIBC) as biomarkers for diagnosis of breast cancer. Method: Total 100 cases were analysed during a period of 3 years they were histopathologically diagnosed breast cancer patients and age matched 100 healthy controls were taken . Levels of serum trace elements were estimated by colorimetric method SPSS version 17 were used for statistical confirmations. Result: Patients when compared to controls, Serum iron (124.87±39.12)and TIBC (318.5 ±62.97) were significantly lower and serum ferritin (188.93 ± 64.46) is significantly higher (p<0.001)in breast cancer patients and these parameters shows a significant positive correlation with tumour marker CA15-3. Conclusion: Based on findings our study concluded that breast tumours can cause increase serum level of iron ,ferritin and TIBC in female breast cancers patients and suggest that all these biochemical parameters can be used as a diagnostic marker for the follow-up of these breast cancer patients.


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How to Cite

Vamne, A., Sarkar, P., & sodavadiya, K. (2018). Serum Iron And Ferritin As Diagnostic Marker of Breast Cancer: Serum Iron And Ferritin As Diagnostic Marker of Breast Cancer. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 9(1), 1–6. Retrieved from



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