Rare Case Of Mediastinal Branchial Cyst: Excision With VATS

Rare Case Of Mediastinal Branchial Cyst: Excision With VATS


  • Anuj Mahajan
  • Amandeep Nar
  • Atul Mishra
  • Ashvind Bawa


Mediastinal cyst, paratracheal cyst, congenital neck cyst


Neck swellings are one of the common congenital anomalies ,branchial cysts being one of the most common form .Usually branchial cyst presents as an asymptomatic swelling on the lateral aspect of neck .Their presence in the mediastinum is extremely rare. We report a case of mediastinal cyst in rightparatracheal location, operated by video assisted thoracoscopic approach, and was found to be a branchial cyst on histopathological examination. [Anuj M NJIRM 2016; 7(6): 117-118]


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How to Cite

Mahajan, A., Nar, A., Mishra, A., & Bawa, A. (2018). Rare Case Of Mediastinal Branchial Cyst: Excision With VATS: Rare Case Of Mediastinal Branchial Cyst: Excision With VATS. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine, 7(6), 117–118. Retrieved from http://nicpd.ac.in/ojs-/index.php/njirm/article/view/1407



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