ABCDs of battling against COVID-19


  • Prof. Dr. Sudhir V Shah*, Dr Heli Shah**, Dr. Chetsi Shah***



World has declared an unprecedented war of recent
times, against a deadly virus disease i.e. Covid 19.
Covid-19, as we know, strikes in a rhythmic way i.e. in
form of wave-I / wave-II. Many scientists have predicted
the arrival of the third wave. Behavior of the masses,
vaccination status, herd immunity, novel mutations of
the virus, seasonal changes & environmental factors
etc. are key points which will decide the further waves
and the outcome. Since the Covid-19 menace is still
rampant, there is no time for complacency; rather we
need to be properly armed with knowledge on how to
fight this infection. This can be nicely summed up in-
Prevention is better than cure since there are a myriad of
unknown post COVID complications which are difficult
to deal with. Also, apart from COVID, there are other
demons to be fought, like- Fear, Negativity, Ignorance as
well as the myths created by different media. Through
this article we aim to address golden clues on prevention
along with other burning issues with tips on how to fight
against fear, negativity and how to emerge as strong
positive people. Most important protective weapons to
remember- Mask is our vaccine, Sanitization is our
medicine and physical distancing is our immunity.






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