The Insight to the Fertility of the Patients Presenting with Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Neoplasias with Respect to Its Diagnosis & Management - A Study Conducted in a Tertiary Care Hospital
The ovarian germ cell tumours account for 2.6% of all ovarian malignancies and usually occur in the first two decades
of life. Arising from epithelium, the stroma & the follicular component of the ovary, they are gonadoblastoma, mature
teratoma, dysgerminoma, yolk sac tumour, embryonal carcinoma, immature teratoma & chorio-carcinoma.
A retrospective observational study was conducted in IPGMER & SSKM Hospital over a period of three years (2020-
2023) at the Gynaecology & Obstetrics department along with the radiology & pathology department. The study
aimed to elucidate the fertility stature of the patients who presented with these tumours & were subjected to the
treatment involving cross- sectional imaging combined with the histopathological diagnosis & the surgeries
performed thereafter.
In our study, apart from the regular MOGCT (malignant ovarian germ cell tumours), NET (neuroectodermal tumors)
was found in nearly 25% of the study population, along with dysgerminoma (27.5%), immature teratomas (27.5%),
dermoid (15 %) & yolk - sac tumours (5 %) as the rest. Viable pregnancies in these patients were achieved in due
course, thereby proving the fact that proper diagnosis & the subsequent treatment of these entities will yield the
desirable outcome with respect to achieving pregnancy.
Literature substantiates that 18.8- 55.7% of such patients may achieve favorable pregnancies with a combination
of a near accurate diagnosis, staging & surgeries, which are the cornerstone of the treatment. Nevertheless,
surgery should be tailored according to age, interest in preserving fertility, and the stage of the disease.

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